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My Trials and Tribulations of weight loss

My sister started coaching me last week in weight loss. In the last week I have also studied many of the wight loss plans  figuring out which one was best for me.  I believe the mediterranean diet would be best if it came with a coach but it doesn’t. Whatever plan I use I would prefer a coach just like Alcoholics Anonymous has coaches and support.

I left my Port Charlotte office Thursday evening and drove home like I have done a thousand times before.  Normally I would stop by Wendy’s and have a double cheeseburger but this time I said no. I had the worse cravings I have ever had in my life and it was for a cheeseburger. I called my sister on my cell phone and she talked me through it. She stayed on the the phone with me until I ate a protein bar and my craving subsided.  In the past when I was having craivngs I ate cheeseburgers. Gosh, no wonder I’m 8O POUNDS overweight.  Now Im seeing constant ads on television encouraging me to eat “fast food” like Wendy’s cheeseburgers.  Obesity is an epidemic in America and Ive caught it.  Lets pray that with my sister’s coaching I can be cured.

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